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Now it's worth more in a package - buy 3 months of hair vitamins with up to 40% discount
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Guaranteed gift when purchasing electronic products
Now it's worth more in a package - buy 3 months of hair vitamins with up to 40% discount
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Magic Hair Keratin Bomb
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Taste Guarantee
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Magic Hair Keratin Bomb
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Keratin Bomb
Gummy vitamin for the deep regeneration of the hair
With Taste Guarantee
A fruit flavoured gummy vitamin with hydrolyzed keratin, fish collagen, biotin, bamboo leaf extract and 10 other valuable vitamins and minerals to support hair, skin and nail health. It helps strengthen the structure of the hair and protects it from external damage. It provides deep hydration, restoring the glow and elasticity of the hair. Our gummy vitamin contain all the amino acids and vitamins needed to build keratin, responsible for the strength of your hair and nails.
Main benefits
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Taste Guarantee
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Main benefits
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Taste Guarantee
Economic package deals
Main benefits
Customer reviews
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Taste Guarantee
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Main benefits
Hydrolyzed keratin
for strengthening hair structure
An extra dose of biotin
to enhance hair growth
Taste Guarantee
so you can try it without risk
Hydrolyzed collagen
to restore split ends
+ 10 vitamins
to improve skin and nail health too you can try it under our Taste Guarantee
This product is a dietary supplement, and is not a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle. The product does not prevent or cure illnesses. If you have
any health problems, visit your general practitioner.
Recommended usage
For adults, 2 gummy bears per day, consumed during of after meals. To avoid any stomach problems, try to avoid taking it on an empty stomach. We recommend taking the product as a regimen for 3 months to achieve the desired results.
With other hair vitamins
With other hair vitamins
If you would like to combine our Keratin Bomb gummy vitamin with one of our Biotin Bomb, Gummies, Classic, Splash, Max or Beauty Bar products, we recommend you take them on alternate days. A combined regimen is also effective if you switch between hair growth products monthly. We do not recommend consuming more than one kind of these products on the same day! For example: If you have chosen a regimen combined with an effervescent tablet, we recommend you take the effervescent tablet on one day, and the gummy vitamin the next, alternating them.
With other collagen products
With other collagen products
You may consume Magic Hair hair growth products and collagen products (such as Beauty Liquid, Beauty Collagen tablets) on the same day, but preferably at different times of the day.
Store it at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, in a sealed container. Consume it within 30 days of opening the product.
60 gummy vitamins / box
Net weight: 180 g
Further details
Magic Hair Keratin Bomb is a notified and verifiable product for the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition, with the notification number: 30334/2022
In 2 gummy bears
NRV* in 2 gummy bears
Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Pantothenic acid
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B2
Folic acid
Vitamin D3
Hydrolyzed keratin
Hydrolyzed collagen
Bamboo leaf extract
*NRV= daily intake amount for adults in %
** no nutrient reference value applicable
Keratin Bomb reviews
Detailed description
What is keratin and what are its benefits?
Our hair is made up of 97% keratin and 3% water. Keratin is a horn protein that is the main constituent of the outer layer of hair, nails and skin. Keratin is responsible for the structure of the hair, allowing it to retain its elasticity and resilience. That is one of the reasons for which it is important to support split and tired hair with keratin from the inside.
Our gummy vitamins contain hydrolyzed keratin and collagen, which means they are partially “broken down” already, so amino acids, which are our focus, are more easily absorbed.
Keratin Bomb benefits
with hydrolyzed keratin, fish collagen, bamboo leaf extract, biotin + 10 beneficial ingredients
made of natural ingredients, a 100% gluten, gelatine, peanut and soy free product
Strengthens hair structure and reduces hair loss and split ends
Promotes hair growth from the inside while supporting nail and skin health
Delicious fruit flavour, easy to consume, fast to absorb
Taste Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with the taste of our gummy vitamins, you can return them completely free, without shipping costs within 10 days.
Useful active ingredients
Also know as a beauty vitamin, as it helps maintain hair and skin health. It stops hair loss and enhances hair growth. It supports proper nervous system function. Keratin Bomb has a high dose of biotin (NRV 10,000%), ensuring that your body receives the required amount every day.
BAMBOO LEAF EXTRACT is a great source of silicon dioxide, which promotes hair, nail, skin and enamel health and ensures tendon strength and elasticity.
Fast absorbed keratin. Strengthens and builds up the structure of weak hair while also moisturizing it.
VITAMIN D3 helps maintain healthy bones and teeth. It supports the maintenance of proper muscle and immune system function.
MSM has an anti-inflammatory effect, and it improves joint elasticity and mobility. It promotes the proper development of connective tissues, and cares for the joints, tendons and ligaments. It may improve the quality of the hair, skin and nails.
HYDROLYZED FISH COLLAGEN is good for skin elasticity and hydration, it gives a youthful texture to the skin and nourishes the hair. It also protects intestinal health, as well as promotes muscle growth. It is useful for joints, and supplementing it can be beneficial in the case of chronic inflammation in the joints.
VITAMIN B1 (THIAMINE) supports healthy nervous system and heart function.
It promotes optimal blood production, reduces fatigue, supports proper immune system function and mental health.
VITAMIN B2 is an important enzyme cofactor for healthy carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. It boosts antioxidant activity and is an important regulator of our detoxification and defence systems.
VITAMIN B3 (NIACIN) contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and normal energy-producing metabolic processes. It is also suitable for treating problematic skin, as it supports the maintenance of normal skin condition.
Our body primarily needs VITAMIN B12 for red blood cell production. It promotes protein synthesis, responsible for hair quality. It may reduce iron deficiency, preventing hair loss.
VITAMIN B6 may support proper psychological function. It reduces fatigue and exhaustion, and promotes red blood cell production.
It is primarily responsible for the health of mucous membranes in the eyes, hair and skin. It protects the skin, and contributes to the production of new skin cells. It reduces scalp dryness and hair loss.
It may support proper metabolism, which is essential for generating energy. It reduces fatigue and promotes the proper function of the nervous system. It helps wound healing.
Taste Guarantee
We are constantly improving our gummy vitamins, striving to make them taste as perfect as they are effective. For this reason, we offer a guarantee to ensure the quality and taste of our products.
Add to your cart any product that falls under our Taste Guarantee, or a package deal containing such a product, and place your order.
Receive the product and try it to see whether you like it. Do not take more than the daily recommended amount!
You have 10 days after delivery to decide if you are satisfied with the taste.
All you need to do is send the package back to us by post or your preferred delivery method to the address provided in the Taste Guarantee terms and conditions.
If you like it, great! There is nothing else for you to do, just continue using the product and enjoy its benefits. And if it is not to your liking,
fill out our Taste Guarantee form!
Scan the QR code found in the package, or provide
your order number / package number in the form.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus atque, dolor eaque eum excepturi iusto laboriosam minima odio sapiente sint soluta, tenetur. Modi, quaerat temporibus! Ex iste natus numquam voluptatem.
A Magic Hair gőzölős hajvasalója az átmeneti készlethiány után újra előrendelhető. A várható kiszállítási idő előre láthatóan 1-2 hét.
Biotin Bomb Gumivitamin
Extra adag biotin
9 999 Ft
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Buying the products in your order separately would have cost: Buying this product in your order at the lowest price of the 30 days before the start of the promotion would have cost:
Use the appliance as intended for the next 14 days.
If you are not satisfied for any reason, contact our customer services.
You can return the product within 14 days, and we will refund the purchase price, including shipping costs.
How does Taste Guarantee work?
We are constantly improving our gummy vitamins, striving to make them taste as perfect as they are effective. For this reason, we offer a guarantee to ensure the quality and taste of our products.
Add to your cart any product that falls under our Taste Guarantee, or a package deal containing such a product, and place your order.
Receive the product and try it to see whether you like it. Do not take more than the daily recommended amount!
You have 10 days after delivery to decide if you are satisfied with the taste.
All you need to do is send the package back to us by post or your preferred delivery method to the address provided in the Taste Guarantee terms and conditions.
If you like it, great! There is nothing else for you to do, just continue using the product and enjoy its benefits. And if it is not to your liking, fill out our Taste Guarantee form!
Scan the QR code found in the package, or provide your order number / package number in the form.
This product is currently out of stock, but will soon be available again both separately and in our package deal offers. In the meantime, check out our economic hair vitamin package deals HERE..
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Elérhető termékeink a dm-ben
Gumivitaminjaink közül a Collagen Bomb és a Biotin Bomb kapható a dm üzletekben. A Magic Bright hajápoló termékcsaládot, valamint a Scalp Therapy gyógynövényes fejbőrszérumot pedig kizárólag a nagyobb dm üzletekben találod meg.
A Biotin Bomb és a Collagen Bomb gumivitaminok már a legtöbb dm üzletben elérhetők, így könnyen beszerezheted őket! A Scalp Therapy szérumot és a Magic Bright termékcsaládot viszont csak a dm nagyobb üzleteiben találod meg.
Az alábbi gombok megnyomásával tudod ellenőrizni az adott termék elérhetőségét.
Scalp Therapy szérum
Magic Bright termékcsalád
Biotin Bomb
Collagen Bomb
Elfogyott, de pánikra nincs okod!
Gummies gumivitaminunk elfogyott, és már nem lesz elérhető a kínálatunkban. De ne aggódj, hiszen új generációs gumivitaminjaink várnak rád, hogy hajad egészségét és szépségét támogassák!
Biotin Bomb
Tökéletes választás a hajnövesztés támogatására. Kiemelkedően magas biotin tartalommal, amely gyorsítja a haj növekedését és erősíti a hajhagymákat.
Keratin Bomb reviews